Follow the adventures of Abbie and her pony Sparkle with their ups and downs, triumphs and shattering moments.
"I never thought pony club would be so wonderful!" Horses are never dull, there is always something happening...from bulls charging to injuries and even the sad death of a horse. You will laugh and cry. And if you truly love horses, you will love this book.
This is the second book of the Diary Of A Horse Mad Series. Book 1: "My First Pony" and Book 3: "Pony Pals" are also available on Amazon.
Two Recent Reviews: "I loved this book, when is the next coming out!? I mean seriously great book! Love it! I recommend this book for all ages."
"AWESOME BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!! It is very good for horse lovers like me ! She is very detailed! I recommend this book!