《弟子规》原名《训蒙文》,为清朝康熙年间秀才李毓秀所作。其内容采用《论语》“学而篇”第六条:“弟子入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众而亲仁。行有余力,则以学文”的文义,以三字一句、两句一韵编撰而成。全文共360句、1080个字,分为七个部分:即孝、悌、谨、信、爱众、亲仁、学文,前六项属于德育修养,后一项属于智育修养,列述弟子在家、出外、待人、接物与学习上应该恪守的守则规范,特别讲求家庭教育与生活教育的践行。后经清朝贾存仁修订改编,并改名为《弟子规》。是童蒙养正、敦伦尽分,闲邪存诚,养成忠厚家风规范和对照自我的经典。(Disciple Rules formerly known as Xunmengwen written by Li Yuxiu, a Xiucai of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. The content adopts Article VI of “Xue’er” of The Analects of Confucius: “Disciples shall obey their parents at home, love and respect their elder brothers after going outside of home. Disciples shall keep cautious in words and deeds and pay attention to trustworthiness. They shall be widely friendly to people and close to people with kindheartedness. If they have redundant energy, they shall use it to study cultural knowledge.” The content was written with three words in one sentence, two sentences share the same rhyme. There are 360 sentences and 1080 characters of the full text. The book is divided into seven parts: filial piety, fraternal duty, cautiousness, faithfulness, love for everyone, benevolence, and Study cultural knowledge. The first six items are about cultivation of moral education. The last item is about cultivation of intellectual education. The seven items list the rules that shall be complied with in staying at home, going outside, getting along with people, handling affairs and study.)
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