Cannabis World Journals (CWJ), is a digital magazine focused on the most relevant changes happening in the cannabis industry worldwide. It provides insights of legal experts in the cannabis industry’s regulations, business tips to entrepreneurs, investors, and participants. In addition, it seeks to educate medical personnel and scientific researchers as well passionate growers. We want to drive people’s attention to the most updated content in the cannabis world.
Cannabis World Journals
No Fear for the Cannabis Cause Leaders and Advocates
Cannabis and Young People
Activismo Cannábico Chile (Cannabis Activism Chile)
La Copa Cannábica del Plata (Plata’s Cannabis Cup)
ALPHA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE • In conjunction with the Technological University of Bolivar (UTB) in Colombia, Alpha Academy of Science launches a certified course in innovation and entrepreneurship to train leaders in the cannabis industry.
Mike Tyson: A Cultivation and Cannabis Business Groundbreaker
In the Expert’s Room: Interview with Raquel Peyraube • Raquel Peyraube is an ad hoc advisor to Uruguay's National Drug Secretariat on public drug policy reform and the Institute for Regulation and Control of Cannabis. She is also a clinical researcher and member of research teams for monitoring the law in Uruguay. She is a member of several international scientific committees and is an active member of the IACM (International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines).
GERMANY: Cannabis Trendsetter in Europe
Interview with Tommy Chong
Trailblazing Products in the Cannabis Industry
Trendsetter Segments in the Industry
Mold-Breakers and Disruptors Lead the Cannabis Industry into the Future
A Basic Guide to Invest in Cannabis • Investments, brokers, traders, markets, stocks are words that may scare you if you have little experience in the stock market. You are not alone!
Cannahaler: The Revolutionary Cannabis Inhalers
CRISTINA SÁNCHEZ: A Leading Cannabis Researcher and Educator