这本诗集分为五辑,五个不同的方向直逼诗的核心。选取作者单永珍十年创作中不同风格的作品,可以全景式地呈现作为诗人的单永珍的艺术风貌。书中具体收录了:《秋天的葬礼》、《黄昏的流逝时光》、《幻象与影子》、《嘉峪关:落日一瞥》、《须弥山石窟》等作品。(This collection of poems is written in five albums, with five different directions aiming at the core of poems. It is made up of ten-year works of various styles by the author Shan Yongzhen, through which you can well appreciate a panorama of Shan Yongzhen's artistic style. Works included within this book are as follows: Funeral in Autumn, The Passing Dusk, Phantom and Shadow, Jiayuguan: A Glimpse of the Sunset, Sumeru Mountain Grotto etc.)
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