张记是我们神华宁煤集团一名普普通通的井下员工,同时也是一位颇有才华的"矿山诗人"。煤矿是个十分艰苦的行业,煤矿工人真诚、善良、憨厚、质朴的个性和吃苦耐劳、无私奉献、顽强拼搏的精神更令人敬佩。他们为了给国家建设提供大量的能源,也为了亿万人民的温暖和幸福,常年奋战在地层深处,把光和热无私地给予了社会和千家万户。张记常年工作在矿山、工作在井下生产一线,他在干好本职工作的同时,充分利用业余时间写了大量反映煤矿工人工作、生活的诗句。他写矿工、写矿井、写拼搏和追求,表现矿工丰富的内心世界和无私奉献精神。他在工作面支柱的升起声中体验、感悟生活,在钻机打眼的突突声中寻找创作题材,在矿工们劳动的号子和刷刷的汗水中捕捉灵感的火花。纵观张记的诗,内容尽管很沉重,但是没有消沉和无奈的情调,而是充满着昂扬向上的力量。(Zhang Ji is a ordinary underground staff of our Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group, at the same time, he is also a talented "poet on the mine". Colliery is a very tough industry, the workers are sincere, kindhearted, honest and simple with admirable spirits like hardworking, selfless contribution and tenaciousness. To provide the national construction with a huge amount of energies, and to provide billions of people with warmth and happiness, they work hard throughout the year under the deep earth, selflessly give out the light and heat to the society and people. Zhang Ji works at the mine all year round as one of the underground coalmine production line team. While doing his own works, he made the full use of spare times and wrote many poems reflecting the work and life of mine workers. He writes about miners and mines, struggles and pursuits, expresses colorful inner world and selfless dedication of miners. He experiences and reflects from the rising sound of pillars on working surface, finds creative themes from the chugs of drilling machine, captures inspirations from the work song and sweats of miners. Though the poems of Zhang Ji are heavy, but instead of depress and helpless, the poems contain positive energies and high spirits. )
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