生活是一笔财富,也给了薛建民同志创作的源泉。他四十年蕴情于怀,笔耕不辍,写出了一首首掷地有声的诗篇。《岁月河》,将人生的经历与大河的流经、大自然的变化紧紧联系在一起,写出了壮观的人生如激流奔腾;《老娘》咏唱了亲情、友情,形象生动,丝丝入理,融情入景,回味无穷;《杞乡九韵》则通过对杞乡、杞乡人、茨农、枸杞子、枸杞花蜜、枸杞芽茶、枸杞酒的一一描写,浸透了作者对家乡和塞上珍品的厚爱......薛建民同志的诗感情真挚,朴实自然,言辞优美,思想性强,不仅陶冶情操,还给人以艺术和美的享受。《岁月的情结》共收入百余首他的诗歌作品。(Life is a fortune, and a source of comrade Xue Jianmin's creation. He has brewed emotions inside his heart for 40 years, continued writing and completed many powerful poems. Lake of Times closely connects the life experience to the river flow and natural changes, spills a spectacular life rolling like rapids; Old Mother chants the kinship and friendship, it's vivid, reasonable, emotional and full of aftertaste; Nine Goods of Qixiang is soaked with the author's love to his hometown and treasures by describing Qixiang, people of Qixiang, Goji farmers, Goji fruit, Goji nectar, Goji bud-tea and Goji wine...The poems of Xue Jiamin are filled with sincere emotions, they are simple, natural, beautiful and very ideological, not only cultivates one's character, but also gives one the enjoyment of art and beauty. Emotions of Time has collected over 100 of his peoms.)
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